[GCFL-discuss]Hijacking books

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Sep 23 20:21:00 CDT 2004

Understood that you neither state agreement nor disagreement on anything
you did not specifically speak to.

What do you consider imitators of Mohammed? It would be trite to say
Mohammed never hijacked airplanes and crashed them into buildings. There
were no airplanes in his time. But there is no record of sending people
on suicide missions of any kind. Straightforward battles between armies,
yes. Teams sent into enemy territory to create mayhem and kill civilians,
no. A special tax on unbelievers (in Islam), yes. Decreeing that all who
follow another tradition must be killed, no.

Like every widespread faith, there have been practitioners of Islam who
found some meaning in some obscure passage of their holy writ that had
not been part of previous tradition. The words "assassin" and "thug" come
from two such sects, founded by some wild-eyed dervish several centuries
after Mohammed. If al Qaeda has any real foundation in Islam, it would
come from these sects, and the traditions they established, not from the
Prophet. But mostly, al Qaeda reflects methods and resentments of the
modern world, and its vulnerabilities, not some tradition of Islam.


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