[GCFL-discuss] American Security Levels

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Dec 15 06:12:48 CST 2005

Having been raised by a veteran of WWII,  I can tell you that his war 
experiences affected his entire life, and therefore mine also.  The ravages 
of war can have a ripple effect that is pretty hard to measure.  I would say 
that I have had a lot more to deal with then just "a bit of rationing"  and 
I was born at the end of the war.   Wars are necessary to put down evil but 
those who serve often pay a higher price than just the few years they are in 
combat.  They bring home some memories that are hard to deal  with alone.  I 
only found out about my Dad's war experiences during the last year of his 
Now I understand why he drank as much as he did.  Of course I forgave him 
and respect his hard work in the service.

----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: [GCFL-discuss] American Security Levels

  " For
> those Americans not actually serving in the military, wartime has meant
> lots of overtime and, at worst, a bit of rationing."

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