[GCFL-discuss] Ten-C

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Jul 7 20:09:21 CDT 2005

I've been exchanging comments with a man in La Crosse, WI, who organized
opposition to moving a Ten Commandments monument from a city park after
someone brought one of those tiresome lawsuits. Naturally he had a few
thoughts on the latest Supreme Court decisions, and wanted my comments
too. I thought this reponse from him was somewhat in the humor category:

"I have a friend who lives in Chicago.  He is an atheist.  When I told
him about a group of atheists who wanted to remove the monument in La
Crosse, his response was that it should be left alone where it is.  After
all, there is no god.  Who cares?"

(I didn't want to give a long recitation, but the plaintiffs in these
cases run on an on about how they get sick to their stomach seeing the
monument, and can't enjoy the farmer's market in the park any more. A
little humor keeps this sort of nonsense in perspective).

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