[GCFL-discuss] Boring points about men

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Jul 14 20:28:15 CDT 2005

Rev Ev, wherever did you get the idea I took it seriously? I was just
noting it didn't seem to be good for much of a laugh -- and you are
right, we all need to laugh. That isn't John's fault of course, he has to
work with what is out there to be passed along, and he finds some really
good ones. Balancing one about women with one about men is a good idea.
This wasn't insulting or embarassing, just... you know, good humor is
something those featured and those not featured can both laugh at, like
Laura Bush lampooning the White House at a comedy dinner. God bless you


On Thu, 14 Jul 2005 17:50:18 EDT "Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies
List" <gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net> writes:
My dear Siarlys - C'mon - lighten up a little.  Life is hard enough ...
so you gotta laugh! - loosen up!  It is ok.  I don't know you personally
and don't mean to imply you aren't "loose" ...Who believes everything
they read anyway?  If I got offended by jokes or supposed facts about
women, I'd have a stroke at least 2x a week!  lol.....

God bless you abundantly today and always!

"Rev. Ev" 
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