[GCFL-discuss] Opening

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Jul 18 21:31:09 CDT 2005

It's been awful quiet lately, but I don't have any pithy controversies to

I did run into a young man this afternoon handing out tracts with the
one-line introduction that this will save you from burning in hell.

I have a standard response to people handing out tracts. "No thank you, I
prefer to read the original for myself."

He responded, "That won't save you from hell."

He obviously didn't understand me -- I was saying, I would rather read
the Bible myself than read his tract. And it obviously wasn't his fault,
he was new at this and had been put out there on the sidewalk by himself.

But I have yet to see a tract that offers more substance than going to
the source, I have yet to see a tract that doesn't carefully shape a few
verses to offer the opinion of the writer clothed in a veneer of
Scripture, and...

... I am not especially motivated by threats of hell, for the same reason
I don't study for tests. I either know the material or I don't, I am
either living within acceptable bounds or not, I have either accepted
what is acceptable or I haven't.


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