[GCFL-discuss] Opening

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Tue Jul 19 11:05:48 CDT 2005

Hi Siarlys! 
I think I understand where you're coming from.   (Our evangelism group goes 
out in two's.  While one is talking, the other is listening and praying.  This 
helps the new ones to learn the how to's of witnessing - just an f.y.i.)  

I know that the Bible is the best source to get the truth and threats of hell 
may be a turn off to the gospel.  However, as an introduction to the Bible, a 
tract is an excellent way to get the listener interested enough to go to 
there.  You have to get the hook in.   Some people will not read the bible and 
will run if you approach them with it but they will read a tract.  Some aren't 
going to read either.  Scripture is just as true and powerful in a tract as it 
is straight from the Bible.  We are at war with a real spiritual enemy so if we 
have to use tracts to infiltrate depraved minds, to plant seeds, to water the 
dry, dead spirits of the lost, to open their spiritually blinded eyes, then 
let's do it.  One of my favorite scriptures is 2 Cor. 10:4-5.  I love it 
because it reminds me that this thing is not about us but all about God and His 
power to destroy the works of the devil through us.  He has provided us with 
weapons, He has promised us victory if we fight His way.  Bible! tracts! worship! 
prayer! fasting! faith! love! - fight! fight! fight!  and WIN!   

God bless you abundantly today and always!

"Rev. Ev"
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