[GCFL-discuss] keep it a good clean group

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Jun 16 10:13:47 CDT 2005

I do agree EVERYONE should be treated with respect....the strong should protect the vulnerable from abuse, in or out of Jail.  Every human being has value simply because they are a human with a soul.   I don't believe people are "better than or less than" anyone else.  One may be more educated, have wealth or power or looks, and be a model citizen, with no need to be in Jail,  but they still have a nature that can be selfish, prideful etc. none of us escapes these human weaknesses,  I believe these weaknesses or sins are a great equalizer,  and yet it is a beautiful thing when a human can rise above and consistently  discipline themselves to be productive members of society.   If they give into the vices that plague man they need to be removed from many of the pleasures that free men enjoy.  I do believe they should be exposed to programs like AA.,  vocational training  and things of that nature.  Certainly not unrestricted TV.  If they are un-teachable they need to be treated accordingly with greater restrictions, that they themselves have earned.  I'm glad I don't have the job of trying to run a prison.  

   Wed, 15 Jun 2005 09:37:45 -0400 gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net writes:
    Sorry I find "name calling" such as SOB inappropriate for this discussion group.  I don't frequent bars or other chat rooms where I suppose this is more common.  I enjoy the discussions & hope to continue to enjoy them.  

  Sorry Carla. I thought this referred to one of my postings, but I had to go back and look to be sure. I abbreviated for obvious reasons, but that isn't always good enough. I do expect that the sheriff under discussion, and certainly most of his deputies, use such language -- or worse -- all the time in dealing with those in their custody. Again, there may be exceptions, but in general it is commonplace. I expect any complaint about it would be met with some variation on "this isn't a hotel" -- the most worn-out cop-out used by prison and jail administrators. (One sheriff even used that phrase to deflect criticism that rapes take place several times a day in his jail, can be heard by other prisoners of both genders, and that no attempt is made to intervene and put a stop to it). So, yes, it is inappropriate for the discussion group, and it is not generally accepted among most people I spend time with either. But to anyone who enjoys humiliating prisoners, this kind of language goes along with the pink underwear. At some point we have to get a grip on:

  1) If you want people to learn respect, you have to show them some respect.
  2) If you are better than them, show it by example, not by stomping on them.
  3) If you don't want such language in your life, be vigilant about not allowing it to be visited upon people who have no choice.
  4) Do unto those in prison what you would have done to you if you were in prison -- assume you are guilty and penitent, what would you think YOU deserve?

  All this is possible without losing control. Some people will still need to be firmly removed from general population and isolated for the good of everyone else.



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