[GCFL-discuss] Blonde jokes

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon May 30 23:23:12 CDT 2005

I'd like to discuss and get opinions about blonde jokes
(and specifically using them in GCFL).  I've always
thought they were OK but never really put a lot of thought
into it.

I get comments about them sometimes.  Here is a recent one:

On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 05:38:32PM -0700, Lowell S. wrote:
>    I don't find blonde jokes amusing. They are demeaning to women,
>    particularly blondes. They are simply the latest version of older
>    racist jokes. I have never included them in any of my humor
>    collections.

Of course, blondes can be men too, but they are demeaning
to blondes (that's kinda the point).  I began to think
about the difference between blonde jokes and racist or
other jokes that demean some particular group, and there
doesn't seem to be much difference.

I'm a southerner, but I have no problem with southern
jokes. I personally enjoy laughing at myself, especially
when the joke is actually true!  I think it's important to
be able to laugh at yourself.

Tomorrow's joke is another example, Christians Changing
Light Bulbs
(http://www.gcfl.net/archive.php?funny=20050531), of a
joke that might be considered demeaning to some
Christians, but I think it's fine. But it could be
categorized as demeaning.

What are your thoughts?

- John

Bad Metaphor/Simile #37: The situation had become
topsy-turvy -- like Christmas in the summer, if you're in

Have a great day and don't forget to laugh!

http://www.gcfl.net (The Good, Clean Funnies List): Good,
clean daily funnies you can safely tell your Mom!

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