[GCFL-discuss] America & retirement

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Nov 10 08:34:36 CST 2005

 Interesting that people can have such wide varieties of what they really enjoy.  I walk into a never before explored art museum and I'm quite excited.  When I leave the library with 3 new books that look very promising , it's a very good day!  
I can see where Biking would be a lot of fun, since traveling is so enjoyable.  There is some risk whenever you travel but it's worth it.  
----- Original Message ----- 

  Subject: Re: [GCFL-discuss] America & retirement

  Definition of an organ donor, a person that doesn't take the precautions to protect himself/herself  for when they have an accident To ride trike or bike is dangerous and if ridden long enough an accident will happen. I've been down several times.  
   I'm looking at Hondas, one with just a few miles on it maybe one or two years old. Been to Georgia, great roads for bikes.
   In my years I've owned one AJS, one BSA (Brit bikes)  and two Beemers. Been across country twice and up and down the 
  east coast.Can't wait to get back in the saddle again.


    Congrat on your upcoming retirement...it can be like a second childhood...some of us get a second chance to do what we have wanted to do for a long time.  We grow up so we can be young again.  I suppose you will get a Harley or a Honda?
    Is that your trike?  The seniors in North Georgia are out in droves riding them up into the smoky mountains.  
    I'm sure you have heard the nickname for bikers is "organ donors"  (but then it's good to do some benevolent acts as a senior.)   Just kidding!
    Actually some in our area support the local soup lines here.  Wish you the best!
      ----- Original Message ----- 

      Subject: Re: [GCFL-discuss] America

      I have 2 Russians working for me, very good help. If you really want to make it in this country you have to work hard, that is if you want nice toys...

      Trike for me when I retire in June. That will be my toy, not hers or ours, all mine.



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