[GCFL-discuss] 'When I grow up'

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Nov 16 13:21:22 CST 2005


I appreciate your sensitivity and consideration.  I'm touched.

One of the things that I have come to like about this discussion group,
which may have been lacking at one point, is the ability to discuss opposing
viewpoints while respecting each other's right to his/her viewpoint.

Here is what I wrote when we first discussed this a while back.
	We (Orthodox Jews) treat His Name as holy, and must avoid profaning
it or destroying it. When holy books, such as Bibles, prayer books, etc, get
worn out, they have to be buried. 
	It does not matter what language it is in. 
	To utter G-d's Name in an unclean place (I.e., a bathroom) or to
write it on a paper which will be discarded would violate this law. 
	I keep a small prayer book in my pocket. When I enter a bathroom, I
remove it. 
	To avoid inadvertently violating this, we never say or write the
Name in informal conversation or writings. 
	Writing it on a computer screen probably does not violate the law,
but habits are habits.

That said, I neither require nor expect any of you to comply with this rule.


-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List
[mailto:gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net]
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:43 PM
To: Freund Milton
Subject: [GCFL-discuss] 'When I grow up'

 Good to hear from you Matt, especially enjoyed your peanut butter movie ( I

visited your website.)  I know some people who could use a little peanut 
butter to improve their communication skills, or lack of.
As for your question... it would be best if green Bubble explained it to 
you.  But I'll try.  I think he prefers to only read the name of G-d when it

is used in scripture.  I respect that and would love to see a greater 
respect for "His Name" from all of his creation.  I know that is not 
realistic.  But since I was commenting on something greenBubble said, I 
chose to follow what I thought would be acceptable to him.

----- Original Message ----- 

" I also
 want to ask you Carla, why did you spell God like "G-d"? 

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