[GCFL-discuss] [GCFL-discuss Original

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Oct 6 06:42:47 CDT 2005

If you carefully read the entire chapter, I do believe you will  see much of 
the chapter is talking about King David, but in that phrase, I believe it is 
God, talking about His  Son, who will come through David's line.
Anyway I assume we agree that our Creator holds the highest place among all 
kings.  So there really is no
point to going around in circles.
I love to read the scriptures, there is so much beauty and depth to them. 
In London I saw the largest diamond in the world, I would not trade God's 
word for that stone.  I also saw the graves of some great kings, but they 
are no match for a living King.
Have a great day!  "The joy of the Lord is your strength."

----- Original Message ----- 

> Carla, I am SURE he didn't understand my reply. If he did, he wouldn't
> have asked the question. Now, what do I mean by "overly-well-groomed"? I
> didn't say he was overly WELL groomed. Just overly-groomed. There is
> indeed no such thing as too well or too good. One CAN be groomed to the
> point, or in a way, that it is not well anymore, but sickly.
> First, it has nothing to do with being TOO clean. If anything, he may
> have had a bit too much on him in the way of oils and such, which by
> definition make him NOT perfectly clean. But I think the adjective that
> comes to mind is PLASTIC. It is the difference between looking like a
> neat, clean, human being who respects those around him, and being a
> moulded product. If he had been a department store manikin, he would have
> looked about right. Groomed beyond the point of clean and neat.
> As to being a servant of the most exalted of the Kings of the earth...
> that is conjectural. It depends on what is written in the tract, what its
> impact is on those who receive it, to some extent what his reasons for
> offering the tract are... The reason I decline such tracts is that they
> leave so much out, in the anxiety of their writers to get people's
> attention. They also make things up in their desire to get people's
> attention. Many of them endow God with an appalling and unlikely
> readiness to let Satan set all the rules. I sometimes wonder if the
> Gospel is really what anyone gets out of a gospel tract. My own church
> has one, I even have a few copies, but I still distrust the approach.
> I won't run through the three worst tracts I ever read here. But there
> are a few.
> Just a technical point: the verse you cite appears to describe King David
> (see v. 20) not Jesus or God. But the possibility of that kind of
> multiple understandings or misunderstandings is why I am doubtful about
> tracts.
> Oh, the young man who plays the keyboard at a church I often visit in
> this area replied to the "Original" story with two words: "Right on."
> Siarlys
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