[GCFL-discuss] Could Katrina have been aborted?

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Sep 7 18:45:16 CDT 2005

Provative headline, but for the most part I believe President Clinton is
correct. There are questions that need to be asked and answered; the time
to do that is NOT while lives are still being saved and bodies recovered.
(Suggestions that might save more lives NOW are always in order, but not
much else).

Still, before this gets buried, I found it VERY interesting that in 2000
Time magazine did a story on the Mississippi, and one little segment
quoted a number of people responsible for the water system around New
Orleans, who knew of many things that needed to be improved, before a
hypothetical Category 5 hurricane came along, because it might flood the
whole city. (They were having trouble getting the required $14 billion
budgetted). Now we are going to be paying at least $62 billion, thousands
are dead, and a whole city is homeless.

I also find comparisons to any other disaster way off base. At the end of
the day on 9/11/2001, 99% of the population of New York was home eating
dinner, watching the news on TV, and going to bed. Nobody in New Orleans
can do any of the above. That doesn't mean anyone is better than anyone
else, its just not the SAME. Nor is a hurricane the same as a tsunami,
which has a warning time of one hour at best, and once the wave recedes,
is over. Each disaster is just DIFFERENT.


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