[GCFL-discuss] Could Katrina have been aborted?

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Sep 7 20:47:29 CDT 2005

The thing I don't like is the Mayor, Governor, and Bush were together on
Air Force 1, I'm told, and there was a proposal to help New Orleans but
the Mayor told Bush give him 24 hrs to consider it.

Another thing that is being over looked. We have a bottom up policy on
disasters. If a city can't take care of it they call the (some are saying
county, but I can't confirm that) State, and if the State can't handle it
they call FEMA. How long did it take City and State to do their parts
before they ever called FEMA? I saw an interview with a doctor today who
had been there since like "day 1" and the interviewer tried to antagonize
him and get him to blame FEMA. The doctor stopped him cold in his steps
and told him straight up that everything is going the way that is laid
out for disasters. Everyone went up the chain of command and made the
right calls. No one is to blame at all.

But I personally question how long did it take New Orleans to call
Louisiana and then how long did it take for Louisiana to call FEMA? I
think there is a lot to say about that.

Different thought:
Then what about these New Orleans' who are shooting down helicopters
screaming "you're taking too long to save us"? TWO are now shot down. (Or
so I understand) what's up with that?

John 8:32 "You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free."

On Wed, 7 Sep 2005 18:45:16 -0500 "Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies
List" <gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net> writes:
> Provative headline, but for the most part I believe President Clinton 
> is
> correct. There are questions that need to be asked and answered; the 
> time
> to do that is NOT while lives are still being saved and bodies 
> recovered.
> (Suggestions that might save more lives NOW are always in order, but 
> not
> much else).
> Still, before this gets buried, I found it VERY interesting that in 
> 2000
> Time magazine did a story on the Mississippi, and one little 
> segment
> quoted a number of people responsible for the water system around 
> New
> Orleans, who knew of many things that needed to be improved, before 
> a
> hypothetical Category 5 hurricane came along, because it might flood 
> the
> whole city. (They were having trouble getting the required $14 
> billion
> budgetted). Now we are going to be paying at least $62 billion, 
> thousands
> are dead, and a whole city is homeless.
> I also find comparisons to any other disaster way off base. At the 
> end of
> the day on 9/11/2001, 99% of the population of New York was home 
> eating
> dinner, watching the news on TV, and going to bed. Nobody in New 
> Orleans
> can do any of the above. That doesn't mean anyone is better than 
> anyone
> else, its just not the SAME. Nor is a hurricane the same as a 
> tsunami,
> which has a warning time of one hour at best, and once the wave 
> recedes,
> is over. Each disaster is just DIFFERENT.
> Siarlys

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