[GCFL-discuss] Tithing only applies in Israel- "who says, ?"

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sat Jun 24 10:00:12 CDT 2006

This is a scripture that I had decided to act upon many years ago.

It says.."bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food 
in my house. Test me in this, and see if I will not throw open the 
floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have 
room enough for it."

The first part sounds difficult, but look beyond that and see there is a 
promise.  I decided to take the challenge and now I am enjoying all the good 
stuff that has been given me.  Yes it works!  Godly principles work.  At 
first glance they are not always the easy way, but they always turn out for 
the good.
 Does anyone  think God would not keep his promise!

----- Original Message ----- 

Subject: [GCFL-discuss] Tithing only applies in Israel

> Here is an interesting comment from an Orthodox rabbi on "tithing."
> Having heard various Christian perspectives that tithing your cash income
> is commanded by God, that it is not applicable under the dispensation of
> the New Testament, that it is a good idea but not mandatory, and a few
> other interpretations, I thought this might remove some fervency from the
> debate:
> "Tithing" is an agricultural commandment, and only applies to the
> produce of Israel (there are certain problems which this causes to-day
> for Israeli farmers, and the rabbinical sauthorities responsible for the
> farming villages there have to spend a fair amount of time explaining
> things to the inhabitants).
> Of course members of a church still need to recognize that if they want
> something done that costs money, they will have to, one way or another,
> in some amount rationally related to the purpose, supply the means to get
> it done, and, of course, if you want your pastor available full time, you
> have to give enough money to pay him or her, or s/he will be working at
> some job when you need him/her most (which many pastors in fact are). <On
> another controversy, there will be some who take issue with my choice of
> pronouns>.
> Siarlys
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