[GCFL-discuss] Three Cheers for Arizona!

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Nov 8 10:12:21 CST 2006

Jeanene, I must congratulate your home state on having the good sense to
turn down insertion of a redundant definition that marriage is what it is
into your state constitution. I thought we were going to be the first to
do that in Wisconsin, but alas, the vote went in favor, even as many of
the most fanatical sponsors of the measure were defeated for re-election.
As a passenger on the bus I drive a few days a week remarked "If God said
it, we don't get to vote on it. So why are we voting on it?" Perhaps more
to the point, why are those who are most certain God said it the ones
saying we should be voting about it? I wish there were more voters with
her common sense here. I guess too many of them moved to Arizona to stay
warm though the winter.


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