[GCFL-discuss] Poygamy

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Nov 8 23:03:05 CST 2006

They have lots of "reasons" for it. But it was doctrine for a long time.
Which makes me very unsure of all of their excuses for why it happened... if
they even admit to it happening.
I lived in UT for 8 years. If that means anything for the number of peeps
I've talked to.

On 11/8/06, Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List <
gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net> wrote:
> By way of information for those who may not know,  one of the reasons the
> 'Mormons' practiced  polygamy was because in the early days of the church
> there were many more women than men in the church.  This was a way to help
> provide for and take care of these women.
> Frank
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