[GCFL-discuss] Poygamy

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sun Nov 12 22:07:07 CST 2006

If I were unscrupulous and generally a rotten person, I would join the community if only to share in the real property the Community owns.  I am a minimalist at heart, and the Shaker style of decorating and the furniture itself (Can you believe I referred to it as a style?!?  It is a religion for Pete's sake!) speak to me.
I appear to be a materialist in addition to being a minimalist.
Shame on me.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  P.S. It is a matter of definition whether there are only 4 Shakers. Different Shaker communities disagree over whether the membership rolls were closed to new additions (which would inevitably make the community extinct, since celibate practitioners have no children) or not. So, some new members have been admitted by some communities, while others say those are not true Shakers. There are some substantial financial assets at issue in all of this too.
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