[GCFL-discuss] Vacation Bible School and your kids

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Jun 18 17:58:39 CDT 2007

This is the one part I hate about English. It's the lack of depth in its
descriptions. There are places in the New Testament where English totally
sucks air to fully communicate what's being said.

For Example: Jesus talking to Peter, "Paul do you Agape me?", "Jesus I know
I felejo you" (Forgive my spellings I haven't seen them in a long while).
These are two VERY different words for love. Agape being pure Godly love.
that only which comes from God. And then Felejo I believe is the puppy dog
love. Which here we clearly see how badly Peter's missing the point! But you
go to the English translations and you got "Paul do you love me?", "Jesus I
know I love you". We have NO CLUE that Peter is on the wrong page. IT drives
me NUTS!!! I love to learn about all the different things the English fails
to cover from the original manuscripts.
God bless,

On 6/18/07, Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List <
gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net> wrote:
>  Siarlys wrote:
> It is hard to follow in European translations, because Adam is mistaken
> for a proper name, and the words Adam and Ish are freely interchanged as
> "man" either in singular or plural.
> I think he is saying that "Adam", as used in the beginning of Genesis, is
> a noun describing a man or mankind, but is not a name.  If so, I have to
> qualify that statement.  There are verses where the reference is to
> "the Adam" in which case I would agree with Siarlys.  Other places, where it
> is not prefixed with "the", such as Gen 5:1,2 it is probably referring to
> mankind.  But in Gen 5:3-5 It clearly is referring to him personally.  And
> in 3:17,21 I think it is used as his name, but that's an opinion.
> *greenBubble *
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