[GCFL-discuss] UK chooses 'most ludicrous laws'

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Nov 7 22:29:23 CST 2007

I am confident that no law was ever written idiopathically*.
What I would really like is for you to research them all and tell me why 
they were originally written.  I found your revelations to be fascinating. 
Keep going!
I was born in Texas, but moved away when I was only 5.  I returned for 3.5 
years of college.  I was dumbfounded one Sunday morning to find that my 
local grocery store could not sell me any pantyhose due to a "blue law".  I 
had never heard of such a thing!  I grew up in Arizona where the only law 
forbidding something to be sold was alcohol after 2am or something like 
that!  And imagine my embarrassment as a 16 year old going to church sans 
nylons.  I was mortified.  And I also learned a good lesson -- always have a 
spare pair in ready.

*  Yes, I know idiopathically is a medical term.  I simply don't know what 
the right word is linguistically.  Drat! 

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