[GCFL-discuss] FW: [GCFL.net] Lesson in Marketing

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu Oct 25 14:06:50 CDT 2007

FW: [GCFL.net] Lesson in Marketing----- Original Message ----- 
The short answer is that that was my CB handle when CBs were big.  Of course, you might then ask why was that my CB handle.  Now, that requires a long answer.
.......the real original message.....
And WHY is your handle greenBubble???

My Dad's CB handle was/is Coldwater Kid.  He was born and raised in the Arizona desert in a town called Coldwater which later changed its name to Avondale.  I thought it was a COOL handle.  And his call sign was/is KDL2083.  When I was 9 to 13 years old in the 70s, he was a volunteer fireman/rescue squad up in the mountains in central Arizona and got called a lot:  day and night.  His CB was always tuned to channel 9 unless he was just wanting to chat with one of his friends.  I loved it when calls would come in and there was a lot of action.  I tried to memorize all of the 10 codes they used, but I once made a mistake talking to one of my dad's partners that I thought was VERY handsome and I was SO embarrassed.  I can still feel the heat on my neck when I think about it.  I used the wrong 10 code and could have DIED right then and there.  So whenever I think about CBs, it is always bittersweet.  I can't use the word squelch in a sentence without remembering it was (for me anyway) a CB knob.
So... did you think this e-mail was going to be all about me?  NO WAY!
1.  Why is the B capitalized and nothing else?
2.  Why was/is greenBubble your CB handle?
3.  What were your call letters/numbers?
4.  Do you still own your CB radio?
5.  What is your real name?  (first only, please!)

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