[GCFL-discuss] Dull

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Jan 14 22:19:44 CST 2008

Well, we haven't discussed anything at all since Christmas, or was it

Anyone want to aim some flak at this?


Go ahead Jeanine, stand up for your bishop.
He's not one of the liberals.

And didn't we have an RC somewhere in the group?

greenBubble can take the "pox on all your houses" view.

Alternately, would anyone like to say something about Mike Huckabee, the
only Republican I might vote for, especially if the Dems are dumb enough
to nominate Hillary? (A former Reagan aide was quoted after the NH votes
were counted saying "Sweet Baby Jesus, They Saved Our Bacon, we're back
in the game." he was talking about Hillary, not John McC.) OK, he's
militantly anti-choice. So what? No issue can be an absolute litmus test.
Anyway, the president doesn't have authority over jack when it comes to
abortion. At least Huckabee knows NOT to grind our collective heel in the
face of children (those already born and somewhat grown), which is more
than most of his competitors for the nomination seem to understand.

Any why is Martin Luther King Day the only holiday that I will get
holiday pay for but everyone will be working their normal schedule that

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