[GCFL-discuss] Dull

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri Jan 18 11:14:56 CST 2008

I am grumpy and opinionated today:
1.  I had crown work done on a tooth yesterday and I didn't fill my pain pill prescription yet.  Dull, continuing pain apparently makes me grumpy.
2.  Today is my FILs memorial.  Not only will there be no body (cremated), there will be no speaker, no church/funeral home, no eulogy, no music except big band and from the 40s, there was no obituary, there will be no flowers, and other than pictures on a table, there will not be anything I associate with a funeral/memorial service.  It will be held at a quaint, historic restaurant's banquet room and they will serve horsey-dorvees ( I hate the French today too and refuse to use their language!).  Really, isn't that more of a wake?
My husband's Pop and his issue number 19.  My husband and our family are 9 of those 19.  But because "blood is thicker than water" (His exact words when meeting his first grandchild -- our first daughter who was only 1 day old), my children and his only great-grandson were never treated like real grandchildren.  He was a really good Pappy to his 4 birthed grandchildren, but not to mine.  I am bitter but my children are not, even though they have known for a LONG time that they are not treated equally.  They do what is right -- like sending flowers and cards to their grandma with no prompting from me.
3.  My not-new-enough-to-get-them-replaced glasses are broken (WalMart warranty was 60 days) and I can't find my old pair, so I'm wearing sunglasses inside the house.  Did I mention I am useless without glasses?  I am as nearsighted as a mole.
So now you know far more about my life than you ever wanted to know.  Get over it.
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