[GCFL-discuss] clinton is dull

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Jan 21 09:53:15 CST 2008

A sad emoticon is :-(.
Many New Yorkers talked of moving out of NY if hillary would get elected
senator, but few actually did, as far as i know.
i can't fathom what NYers saw in her then, or what people see in her
now.  of course, one benefit to NYers of her becoming president, would
be that we'd be rid of her as senator.
My problem is that i don't see any choices that are better.
Too bad they can't all lose.




Subject: Re: [GCFL-discuss] Dull

Nope, nuh-uh, not happening, negatory, no way, guess again.
I was BORN into a Baptist home and when I moved away from home chose a
community church that believed in the 5 points of Calvinism and was
reformed (as in The Reformation) in its theology.  My father thought I
had joined a cult!  For the past 20 years I have been active in the
Evangelical Covenant Church which grew out of Sweden.  Our church is
friendly, active in the community, and Bible-based.  Sadly, our pastor
does NOT believe in predestination or preach about the sovereignty of
God.  He believes in the free will of man.
I don't even remember a discussion of Episcopalians and
homosexuality/marriage.  That must have been on a different discussion
list.  I read a book called "Growing Up Baptist" and I laughed so hard I
thought I would bust a gut.  It was true on so many levels and yet
wasn't offensive because I felt like I was poking fun at it myself.
I have been privileged to attend Evensong at Oxford University.  Was a
bishop involved in that?
I now think of you as a male, I'll have you know.  My elder, but not yet
50.  Maybe I'll send you a picture of me sitting in a pew with a
bulletin in my hand with the piano/pianist in the background and the
pastor behind the pulpit.  Too bad I only have memories of those images,
not actual pictures.
And what's up with the last comment?!?  I think it might have hurt my
feelings!  (Now how do I make an emoticon that is a crying, sad face?)
----- Original Message ----- 
> Jeanene, somewhere way back when I thought you had said that your
> and your entire church, were among the Episcopalians who were more or
> less pulling out of the denomination because of its acceptance of
> homosexual ministers, bishops and marriages. Now my memory is known to
> have errors, I think the rate is one part per million bytes of data,
> something like that, or that's what I recall, but...
> IF you were ever Episcopalian, or Anglican, you would have bishops.
> Now you tell me you are Baptist, which is as great a shock to me as it
> was to you to find out that I am (a) male, and (b) over 50.
Pain makes everyone grumpy. But it doesn't seem to have changed you all
that much.

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