[GCFL-discuss] William Bronner Burgess

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Jan 23 11:21:29 CST 2008

I was going to ask where the punch line was... but no, this obviously was
meant to be taken seriously. What I still wonder is, what is Rick Burgess
changing his life FROM?

I am not personally familiar with the Rick and Bubba show. It could be
many things.

Some of my favorite American heroes are Bubbas -- the kind who followed
Huey P. Long, Populists such as Tom Watson (before he sold out to Hoke
Smith), and the un-named trusty who gave my mother's cousin Nancy a ride
on the mule when she was out picking berries in the mountains with her

Then again, there are people who take the Bubba label as a brand for the
crudest racial stereotypes, not only cursing out people of known African
descent, but also projecting that pale-skinned people who work for a
living are profane alcholics who beat their wives and boast about it.

My guess is, the Rick and Bubba show was none of the above, or John Price
wouldn't be a fan of the show. He would be a fan of many things I
wouldn't, but these are not among them.

Still, when someone talks about rededicating their life to Christ, it can
mean whatever the listener finds convenient for it to mean. It can mean
continuing to live their life the same old way. It can mean selling all
their real property to dedicate the rest of their lives in a rural
self-help project in Venezuala. It can mean giving up swearing, drinking,
drugs, and may also mean getting a job, or merely being more civil to
co-workers at the well-paid job they already have.

greenBubble is not going to dedicated his life to Christ, he has
dedicated himself to an older covenant relationship to G-d, without which
Christ would have had no context for the gentiles to come to know him. I
sometimes wonder whether to resond to an altar call, because I often go
to churches that have them, but a little voice always says 'I claimed you
a long time ago, why are you worrying about doing what's already done?'
Still, there are many who obviously find something at the altar they
didn't already have.

But since Christian faith, in practice, encompasses so many kinds of
people living so many kinds of lives with so many different and even
conflicting priorities, I still wonder what Rick Burgess is leaving
behind and what he is taking up. He sounds sincere, but sincerely what?
May his son rest in peace in any case.


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