[GCFL-discuss] Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sat Nov 1 23:53:31 CDT 2008

I want to make this accouncement before Nov 5, so John doesn't construe
it as comment on the election, which is exactly what it is.

For anyone who is sick of the election, but not so sick that they don't
want to talk about what they are sick of, why they are sick of it, and
what might make them less sick in the future, after the election I will
be posting a series of articles on what is wrong with the way we do
elections at MadFederalist.

I have a short prelude available now, in which I critique Nancy Pelosi
(never liked her much anyway), Joe Biden (you can see why he was never a
viable presidential candidate - he does put his foot in his mouth a lot),
and the RC church (nothing wrong with the church which couldn't be fixed
by abolishing the Curia, the Papacy, and the bishops).


You can leave comments there too, which will spare John having to read

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