[GCFL-discuss] Agreeing on Nancy

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu May 21 19:33:59 CDT 2009

Before May 2009, did I know what the term "waterboarding" meant?  No.  Am I a curious person by nature?  Absolutely.  Had I ever heard the word or seen it written?  No.  Did I want to find out what it was, hear a description, or see an image of it happening?  No.  But a couple of weeks ago some stupid visual media outlet had to show a picture without giving me advance notice to avert my eyes.
I don't deal well with the idea of torture or abuse.  I can't stand it.  It nauseates me.  I feel ill and troubled until I can focus on something else hoping to wipe it from my memory.  I don't read about it, I don't watch movies that show it, I don't listen to the news when it is discussed, and I walk away from discussions about it.  It is too touchy a subject for me to acknowledge.  I was feeling quite content in life until I saw that image and now I cannot purge it from my memory.  
People do bad things to people.  And some people need to know about those bad things.  I don't need or want to know about them.  I am not sticking my head in the sand, I just know what I am capable of handling.  And this isn't it.  I HATE it that the term is now a part of our society's vocabulary.  I hear it every day if I turn on the radio or the television news.
So, what was your question, Siarlys?  I was overwhelmed by that innocuous-sounding word and can't remember what you were even asking.  I remember the name Nancy Pelosi being mentioned.  It must have come before the word.
I would prefer to leave the seamy side of life to others.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List 
  To: Red 
  Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 7:31 PM
  Subject: [GCFL-discuss] Agreeing on Nancy

  Nobody's had nothing to say for a while, so can we agree on this?

  When Nancy Pelosi says she didn't know about waterboarding, she is
  probably lying.

  In the atmosphere of 2001-2002, there were very few Democrats in congress
  who would have raised the slightest question about doing anything to
  combat al Qaeda. She, and Hillary Clinton, were both rank opportunists
  who figured the only way to win elections was to go along with whatever
  President Bush wanted.

  They were wrong, but they didn't have the courage to say so until it
  became obvious, and then they didn't say they were wrong, they just said
  they didn't know anything.

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