[GCFL-discuss] A TSA welcome home for the troops...

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Tue Dec 14 23:46:24 CST 2010

I think President Obama has knowingly surrounded himself with a bunch of people who are amazed at their promotion and who in shock and awe wouldn't think of disagreeing with or questioning anything their president said, suggested or did.

You asked.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  By the way Jeanene, a few years ago, you remarked that Janet Napolitano,
  as governor of Arizona, was great. Now, as a member of President Obama's
  cabinet, she's getting a lot of flak, sometimes silly sounding off,
  sometimes because she puts her foot in her mouth. Is there a Peter
  Principle at work here? Even if there isn't, I thought it was a mistake
  for our president to call so many recently elected governors and senators
  into his cabinet. They were needed, and doing a good job, where they
  were, in Arizona and Colorado and Kansas. The qualifications needed in a
  department administrator are not necessarily the same. Anyway, just
  wondered what you thought.
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