[GCFL-discuss] Subject: [GCFL.net] Southern Sayings

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Tue Dec 14 20:02:49 CST 2010

Up nawth, this kind of talk is considered "black," both by people who
think of themsleves as "black" and by people who think of themselves as

As I try to mention any chance I get, it is really just southern. Once
the upheaval of the civil rights era was over, it seems to me that
southerners generally got on with living together much better than many
northern communities did. That's because in the south, people who have
been classified as "black" and people who have been classified as "white"
belong to similar (if still separate) denominations, eat pretty much the
same food (with some variation by income and social class), talk closely
related dialects of English, have similar senses of humor, and appreciate
their guns in more or less the same ways.

Up north, "black" people seem strange, because they are southern, not
because they are black. But, most "white" southerners had more property
and better job prospects staying home, while fifty to one hundred years
ago, most "black" southerners were the southerners who thought it would
be worth pulling up stakes and moving. So, all the strange "southern"
people up north, whose manners get on the nerves of the "white" people,
are generally "black."

Of course "white" Appalachians who move up north have gotten the same
treatment. Cf. the movie "The Spitfire Grill," where Perchance Talbot
(aka Percy) describes her family home in Akron, where "we had our own
little slum."

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