[willowbrook] Fall Festival

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Wed Oct 20 20:11:17 CDT 2004

Dear Family,


We are in the process of finalizing assignments of shifts for Fall Festival.
We need our church family to respond if you have not already done so. Here
are our greatest needs:


1.  We need 30-40 adults to sign up now, so that we can run Fall Festival
past the first two shifts. 3rd Shift is - 6:00- 6:50 

4th shift is 6:50 - 7:30 - This last shift includes putting up games &
resetting room - about 15 extra minutes in most rooms.

2. We need men to patrol & secure the parking lot. 

3. We  would love to have someone just drive the church van from the top of
the lot down to the gym door so that folks with little children don't have
to walk from that top lot. If you desire to serve, we have a place for you.

4. We also only have about 1/3 of the crock pots of chili needed. We would
like to have 40, we have about 13-14 I think at last count.

5. We need church members to provide 2 bags of candy per family. We will
have many guests and do not want to ask our guests to provide candy. 


Please come and eat and fellowship those first two shifts and then help us
out those last two!  Reply to this e-mail and Sharon & I will place you in
an area of need and let you know back where that will be. Please don't
respond if you have already signed up - we have those confirmation cards &
assignments going out in the mail this weekend. Respond back if you have not
already signed up in your SS classes or worship.  Thank you for helping us
provide this night for our children & our community.


Sheila Eisenzimmer

Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook

7625 Bailey Cove Road SE

Huntsville, Al   35802

256-883-0907 X 126


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