[willowbrook] political signs needed for puppet ministry

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Thu Oct 28 12:27:09 CDT 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Johnson [mailto:jbjohnsonhome at comcast.net] 
Don't throw out those political signs!!! The puppet ministry can recycle
them. We paint them and use them for props, saving the puppet ministry a
lot of money. If you have any old signs taking up room in your garage,
bring them to the Kids' Church Room upstairs. We have an immediate  need
for some before our Prop Workshop Night November 5. We will continue to
collect them after the elections. So when you take that sign out of your
yard, just put it in the car and bring it to church with you. 
Thank you, The Puppet Ministry Team

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