[willowbrook] Sadness in our church family

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Wed Jan 12 12:52:45 CST 2005

It is with great sadness that we report information shared with us today
from the Nathan Cobb class. The pilot killed in the crash last night in
Huntsville was our own member Steven Hogan, husband of Stephanie Gwaltney
Hogan. The passenger was his brother Craig, who is married to Phyllis
Frady's sister, Ann. Steven has three daughters, two in Georgia. age 10 and
12, and he and Stephanie's first child, a daughter, Sophia Alexandria born
in October 2004. Craig and Ann Hogan had one son, Tyler age 9. Their parents
are Dave and Ann Hogan.

The Cobb class has surrounded this family in love during these last horrible
hours. Please keep them uppermost in your hearts, minds, and prayers during
this time.

Sheila Eisenzimmer

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