[willowbrook] Prayer request from Ace Massey

Michael Eisenzimmer ironroom at knology.net
Thu Jan 13 19:08:56 CST 2005

Ace Massey has called members of her Sunday School class. They received 
a medical report today on their 7 month old grandson, Cooper Massey, son 
of Matt & Jenny Massey. They had noticed white spots in his eyes that 
were also visible when viewing picture of him. Their pediatricion sent 
them to a pediatric opthamologist in Birmingham.  He received a 
diagnosis today of a cancerous tumor behind both of his eyes. They have 
a visit to an oncologist tomorrow at 11 AM.

Ace has asked that people from Willowbrook fast and pray in the morning 
that the tumors are gone when they go to the Dr. at 11 tomorrow 
morning.   Pray also for peace for mom, dad and grandparents.

Sheila Eisenzimmer

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