[willowbrook] Prayer Request

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Wed Jan 19 16:23:13 CST 2005

Re:  Ronny & Ace Massey's grandson, Cooper, 7 months old. Diagnosed with
retinoblastoma, malignant tumors behind the eye:


>From Rana Gilliam:

I spoke with Ace Massey just a few minutes ago on the phone.  They are still
in Philadelphia but hope to come home Friday.


Cooper, the Massey's grandson, had his first round of chemo today and will
have one more treatment tomorrow.  If all goes well, they will be heading
back to Huntsville on Friday.  They have not received all the test results
back yet but they do know that the cancer has not spread to his bone marrow.
This is good!  They will do a brain scan tomorrow to see if it has spread to
the brain.  The doctor has told them that he feels good that Cooper will
have a good chance of survival and that he will keep his eyes.  He is not
sure how his vision will be.  He will be on chemo for six months with some
treatments here in Alabama and others back up in Philadelphia.


Ace has specifically asked that we pray that the tumors will shrink and stay
down.  I think we should really pray for Matt and Jenny also.  They have
been on an emotional rollercoaster.  I'm sure that knowing your seven month
old son has cancer is unbearable.  They need the peace of God as does the
grandparents and other family members.


Rana Gilliam

Willowbrook Baptist Church

7625 Bailey Cove Rd.

Huntsville, AL  35802

256-883-0907 Ext. 105


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