[willowbrook] Fall Festial October 31st 4:30 - 7:30 MONDAY night

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Wed Oct 5 18:11:28 CDT 2005

Each year we depend heavily on the members of Willowbrook to staff our rooms
and booths for Fall Festival and you never let Him down!  Thank you!
Probably due to the impending Fall Break, many have not signed up.  Please
if you have not gone by a classroom to sign up for a shift, please reply to
this e-mail and let us know which of the 3 hours you can help:
4:30 - 5:30   or   5:30- 6:30    or    6:30 - 7:30. 


Or, we have needs on Sunday night 10/30/05 to set up on both floors, f you
cannot serve Monday night. Many will be willing to serve Sunday night and
come back to do a shift Monday night. 


Thank you. We need YOU!  If you are retired, work at home, etc., and area
available for a small amount of time around 11 AM - 2 PM on Monday and can
join Dave Knowles and Judy Simpson in setting up for our supper, please
reply regarding that also. We need people to assist signing in families in
the photography booth (mainly a sitting job), the parking lot to direct
cars, parking lot security, & for those who cannot stand well, you can sit
and take tickets in the kitchen.  We will need kitchen help beginning at 4
PM.  We look forward to hearing from you.


In short, there is a ministry for EVERYONE on this night. If you cannot be
with us, please pray that God sends workers for this wonderful community


Sharon Powers and 

Sheila Eisenzimmer, Directors

Children & Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook

Willowbrook Baptist Church

7625 Bailey Cove Road SE

Huntsville, Al   35802

256-883-0907X125 and 126




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