[willowbrook] Missionary Prayer Request Below - Family our church family ministered with on recent mission trip

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Fri Sep 16 08:47:46 CDT 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Kristen Durham [mailto:krisdurham at comcast.net] 
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:37 PM
I have asked the Cummins if I could forward this to the church and they said
it would be fine.  If you could please send it on.  They had three boys that
I spent my time with in Venezuela.  Precious, precious family.  I know it is
hard on Jeanne because she can not go home. 

Thank you,

Dear Family & Friends
We received word on Tuesday of this week that Jeanne's mom, Luicille
Gannaway, went to the hospital with high blood sugar and a fever.  Since
then it has been discovered that she has an infection in her blood.  They
believe the infection in her system was due to a boil.  She is scheduled for
surgery tomorrow, Friday (9/15), to remove the boil.  At this point we are
not sure of the details, but are requesting that you pray for God to heal
Lucille and remove the infection from her body.  Please pray for Tom,
Jeanne's dad, as he tends to her and runs their in-home daycare. 
Thank you,
Brock & Jeanne
Come visit us at: www.CumminsFamily.com  <http://www.cumminsfamily.com/>

Missionaries to Caracas, Venezuela

South American Region, IMB

"Church planting movements among all peoples; the gospel to every person;
every believer a full participant in the Great Commission." 

------ End of Forwarded Message

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