The Good, Clean Funnies List

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Last 10 Funnies

2024-07-26 Daily Mud Bath (1.32, 34 votes)
2024-07-25 Garage Sales (2.92, 24 votes)
2024-07-24 The King And I (4.03, 32 votes)
2024-07-23 Creation Story (3.48, 29 votes)
2024-07-22 Afternoon Nap (4.32, 31 votes)
2024-07-19 Steven Wright Quotes (3.36, 42 votes)
2024-07-18 What The Teacher Really Means (3.83, 118 votes)
2024-07-17 Excess Weight (3.81, 124 votes)
2024-07-16 4-year Difference (2.05, 37 votes)
2024-07-15 Steve Martin Quotes (3.50, 40 votes)

Future Funnies

2024-10-31 Halloween Candy (5.00, 1 votes)

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