[GCFL-discuss] WEBSITE

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Jul 19 20:55:19 CDT 2004

Jeff, one way to obtain copyrighted material is to ask the owner of the
image for permission. If your use is entirely nonprofit, if you are not
re-selling their images or using their image to advertise some business
of your own, then they may grant permission -- it could be favorable
publicity for them, in the same spirit as a fan club. Sometimes,
copyright notices will say 'downloading for personal use authorized,
provided no copies are made, transmitted or used for commercial purposes'
or something along those lines.


P.S. Library of Congress website has a lot of historical photo images
available on line, most of them public domain, but Harry Potter is not
among those available. If you wanted some theme from American history,
you could find lots of possibilities. Some of the images are even in

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