[GCFL-discuss] Roy Moore's true colors?

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Tue Nov 9 20:20:51 CST 2004

I just received the news report below. I do not have confirmation from
any other sources yet. Can anyone add useful information on what is, or
is not, going on? I have always suspected that there were people with a
KKK agenda masquerading under the "Christian conservative" banner --
because it is the only respectable position they can swallow. I expect
there will be many Bible-believing Christians who will offer a different
position, but if Roy Moore and the Christian Coalition were indeed taking
the active position described here, it speaks volumes about both.


Alabama Votes for Segregation.  As a child I was appalled by pictures
the Deep South that showed segregated schools, water fountains and other
public facilities.  It shocked me into a life of political awareness and
activism.  I thought that those days were behind us, but it appears that
Alabama's voters seem to long for those good old days of keeping blacks
whites separate and unequal.  On Tuesday, Alabama's voters voted down
Amendment 2 by 2,500 votes. Amendment 2 was supposed to clean up the
constitution by eliminating segregationist provisions that authorized
separate-but-equal segregated schools, authorized unconstitutional poll
taxes to bar blacks from voting, and giving the state the power to deny
funding to any integrated schools.  Here's the language that was on the
"Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to repeal
portions of Section 256 and Amendment 111 relating to separation of
by race and repeal portions of Amendment 111 concerning constitutional
construction against the right to education, and to repeal Section 259,
Amendment 90, and Amendment 109 relating to the poll tax. (Read proposed
Act 2003-203)"
The main opponent of removing the segregationist language was former
Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore and the Christian Coalition of
Alabama.  Moore is known as the Ten Commandments Judge for illegally
the Ten Commandments in his chambers and in the Supreme Court building. 
is gearing up to run for governor as the Constitution Party candidate in
2006.  The Christian Coalition distributed anti-Amendment 2 flyers in
churches across the state.

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