[GCFL-discuss] Roy Moore's true colors?

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Tue Nov 9 22:43:33 CST 2004

On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 08:20:51PM -0600, gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net wrote:
> I just received the news report below. I do not have confirmation from
> any other sources yet. Can anyone add useful information on what is, or
> is not, going on? I have always suspected that there were people with a
> KKK agenda masquerading under the "Christian conservative" banner --
> because it is the only respectable position they can swallow. I expect
> there will be many Bible-believing Christians who will offer a different
> position, but if Roy Moore and the Christian Coalition were indeed taking
> the active position described here, it speaks volumes about both.

This is garbage.  The amendment was defeated because they
sneaked in legislation that could be used to raise taxes
in Alabama along with the anti-segregation legislation.
Trying to pass such a thing under the guise of removing
segregationist language was very underhanded of the
legislature (specifically the Democrats) and I could not
vote for it.  Many others obviously felt the same way.
If they come up with an Amendment that is not encumbered
with last minute add-ons that will hurt the state, I feel
confident it will pass.

Three points I want to make...

It's this kind of slant against Christians that will
continue to cause the left to loose elections. I'm not a
direct supporter of Roy Moore (I do not support his
placement of the monument in the manner that he did) but I
am a conservative Christian.

"The Christian Coalition of Alabama does not approve of
racist language or condone racist practices. The Bible
makes it clear that man is created 'in the image of God'
and the U.S. Declaration of Independence states 'all men
are created equal.' The Christian Coalition of Alabama
affirms both of these truths." I believe this to be an
accurate statement by the Christian Coalition of Alabama.

The following is from
I feel it more accurately describes all the proposed
amendments that any other material I could find on the
subject (including several Alabama newspapers).

"The proposed amendment strikes racist language from the
Constitution. The bill will likely be sold to the public
on this single issue. Hopefully, the following will
explain the more plausible purpose for this amendment. The
focus is on amendment 111, which obligates the State to
provide an education but falls short in acknowledging a
citizen's right to an education. If approved, the
following will be stricken from the Constitution.

"'Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed as
creating or recognizing any right to education or training
at public expense, nor as limiting the authority and duty
of the legislature, in furthering or providing for
education, to require or impose conditions or procedures
deemed necessary to the preservation of peace and order.'

"Striking this clause opens the door for lawsuits, likely
supported by the "education industry" and like-minded
organizations, which would force the state to declare that
each citizen has a right to a government funded education.
Once this issue is settled, the "education industry" and
organizations that desire to see the "industry" grow can
saddle the taxpayer with all manner of fees, assessments
and TAXES.

"The constitutional clause neither acknowledges nor denies
the existence of a 'right' to education. The following
description, which will appear on the ballot, assumes that
the 'right' does exist. The verbiage indicates the intent
to sway the voter to acknowledge the existence of the
unestablished 'right.' A logical progression of thought
would lead to the following - which entity will be charged
with administering the education when the 'right' is
officially recognized, the 'state' or 'parents'? Visualize
a disgruntled child, who, with the aid of the state or
other entities sues his parents on the grounds that his
'right' to education was violated due to home schooling.

"This amendment will severely limit our citizen's control
of education and taxation."

Thanx for reading my point of view!  I hope I didn't
offend too many in the process. :)

- John

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