[GCFL-discuss] Fw: Exercising Responsibility

gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri Oct 8 21:53:09 CDT 2004

Lance, you are right about reducing the infatuation with uncontrolled sex
in our culture. I don't think you advocate legislating that objective
though. For me, abortion in the first trimester is too intimate a
decision for the state to intervene in. A pregnant woman might make a
wrong decision, but the government isn't going to make the overall
situation better. It is not a matter for the criminal law. After a baby
is born, concerned citizens can take responsibility for what they
advocate, by saying, I will take this child and raise it. Actually, you
can make that offer to a pregnant woman too, as the most effective
right-to-life organizations do. No woman can offer to transplant a fetus
into her own womb and carry it to term -- and certainly no man can do so.
I do not favor sending women or doctors to prison as a means of reducing
the number of abortions.

As to late trimester abortions, it is true that it is a rare thing to
need one. That is why all this hullaballoo about federal legislation is
nonsense. The law in question duplicates existing state laws, to the
extent it is legitimate, and exceeds state laws only by failing to
protect the occasional woman whose life IS threatened. It was just a
bunch of grandstaning by politicians who wanted to be able to say they
did something when they really did nothing at all.


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