[GCFL-discuss] Food for thought

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Fri Sep 9 21:04:05 CDT 2005

I was going to let this one go by, but since Lance has commented "So
true" I have to dissect at least one paragraph. Like most POINTED humor,
i.e. a joke where the original author is trying to make one or more
points (not simply to make us laugh), this one is a mixed bag.

Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments
became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received
better treatment than their victims.

I am not aware that the Ten Commandments have become contraband of any

I am painfully aware that churches have become businesses, and those are
the ones that seem to be loudest in demanding a "return" to a past of
their own inventive imagination, usually one that begins with everyone
sending a check to the address on the TV screen.

Criminals receive better treatment than their victims? I have to ask for
some details on that one. I have many friends and more acquaintances who
have felony convictions. Some have completed their sentences and are
working in a variety of responsible managerial positions or running their
own (legal) businesses. Others are still in captivity; some I am
endeavoring to find ways to get their sentences reduced, but they have
served at least ten years.

This obnoxious fallacy about how well criminals are treated does indeed
result from a loss of common sense. We have many protections in our laws
for those ACCUSED of a crime. This is because people are accused for many
reasons, including guilt, mistake, malice, ulterior motivation, jealousy,
etc. The point is not to protect "criminals" but to protect each and all
of us from being overwhelmed by the power of our government, funded by
our tax dollars, snuffing out our lone individual voice trying to prove
our own innocence. But really, how many people actually convicted of a
crime and sentenced for it are "treated better than their victims"?
That's ridiculous.

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