[GCFL-discuss] Philadelphia

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Jan 23 21:26:44 CST 2006

I don't live in Philadelphia, but I have spent some time there. It has a
pretty comprehensive urban rail system. You can actually get all the way
to Dover Delaware and, with connections in Trenton via NJ transit, to New
York City, at relatively low cost. Most of the city itself had gotten
pretty run-down, but the downtown areas around Broad Street are being
developed into nice "modern" amenities preserving the colonial
architecture. A bit pricy, and I am not current on how pricy. There are
plenty of colonial row houses that rent for much less, but maybe not the
environment your son wants to live in. The NJ suburbs rights across the
river from Philly are the most violence-prone, last I heard. That isn't
much, but it will probably stimulate Dave to say more.


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