[GCFL-discuss] Bush in the Desert

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed May 17 09:56:26 CDT 2006

	Now here is where I find Bush awfully weak: immigration
enforcement has
	to focus on employers. Immigration has, for the last 100 years
at least,
	been fostered primarily by large corporate employers seeking
cheap labor,
	who happily facilitate entry and provide jobs to people they
know are
	vulnerable and won't complain, or even demand minimum wage. If
	employers are not socked with massive fines that would cripple
	profitability, and maybe jail sentences for executives too, then
this is
	never going to stop. A good way to do this is to provide amnesty
	undocumented immigrants who provide credible evidence that leads
	successful prosecution of their employers.


Great idea Siarlys.  Not likely to happen though.
The Talmud says that it is not the mouse that steals, but the hole.
Of course, if anything like this does happen, people will be very upset
when prices of produce and other products shoot up to pay for the higher
wages that the new(ly) documented employees will demand.


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