[GCFL-discuss] hydranenencephaly

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Thu May 25 16:28:48 CDT 2006

After seeing that comment about hydranenencephaly so many times, I
decided to follow your link to the website about it.
What it says there does not support the comment in your signature --
that they do what they do without a brain.  What it says is that what
they are able or unable to do depends on the amount of damage and where
in the brain the damage is.  A child with no brain at all is unlikely to
survive birth.

That said, I'm curious to know why you put that comment on your



Subject: Re: [GCFL-discuss] You Know You're From or In Pennsylvania

Thank you most kindly, gentle sir.  I know more today than I did
yesterday.  It must be a good day.
And for the record, I WAS asking for your comments.  I read every one
you write.  Sometimes I groan and ignore them, sometimes I smile,
knowing I agree, but not letting you know it, and sometimes I comment.
So there!
A child born with Hydranencephaly is one of Life's Little Miracles.
They live, laugh, and love -- all without a brain.


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