[GCFL-discuss] Noah

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Wed Sep 20 08:30:13 CDT 2006

If Noah had to build his Ark in 2006...

...we would have grounds to enjoin the proposed Flood on grounds of
breach of contract, to wit, Genesis 9: 8-17.

But in the world we live in (a very different world than Noah lived in) I
really don't want to be without OSHA, even though the current staff are a
bunch of wimps who can't be bothered to leave their comfy offices to do
field investigations of any hazard whatsoever.

If Noah had to build his Ark in 2006...

...he would have had trouble raising the capital to finance the project,
because he had no collateral to offer, the enterprise offered a high risk
with little prospect of a profitable return, all the available land for
such a large undertaking was owned by real estate development
corporations keeping the property in readiness for building new strip
malls, and he would have been sued by leveraged buyout firms for
depressing the stock market with his dismal forecasts, not to mention
there might be insider-trading implications...


P.S. Noah didn't build a boat at all. He built a tevya which means box,
and it was far too small to have contained all the animals. How did they
all fit? That was G-d's problem, not Noah's. I bet G-d could get a couple
of spotted owls in whether PETA wanted him to or not.
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