[GCFL-discuss] Emergency Alert

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Sat Nov 3 10:58:29 CDT 2007

This isn't ready for prime-time (aka appearance as an official GCFL
joke), but I just read the funniest James Dobson fundraising letter in
the Nov/Dec issue of the Wittenburg Door. I won't take your time with the
full text, but here are some of key excerpts:

In all my years in the ministry, I have never seen a threat like the one
facing us now!

We will need money, and lots of it.
That's where you come in.
We need you to give sacrificially. We need you to give like you've never
given before.

<So, what is all this building up to? Prepare yourself, gentle reader...>

We are now facing a Gay-Green threat: Homosexual activists who also seek
to limit carbon emissions and promote recycling, as well as a sustainable

Even as I write this, publishing companies are printing propaganda which
will be forced upon our elementary school children; books with titles
like Heather's Two Mommies Join the Sierra Club, Daddy's Roommate Buys a
Prius, and Help! Holy Breeders are Killing my Planet.

As a form of protest, I encourage Christians all across the United States
to set fire to their green recycling trash bins on the first day of

Also, and more importantly, please call us today, to contribute to this
vital fight for truth. Please be sure to have your credit card ready when
you call.

As our special gift to you, when you donate today, I would like to send
you a free, charmingly illustrated book, called I Drive a Big Car Because
I serve a Big God. And rest assured, it is NOT printed on recycled paper.

<Disclosures. Personally, I believe that there is no better way for a
parent to raise children than to read Dobson's Focus on the Family
Bulletin and Dr. Benjamin Spock's Baby and Child Care. They are a great
pair of resources that complement each other very well. But I have no
idea how a man who wrote Dobson's sound advice on child rearing could
make such a godawful fool of himself in public.>

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