[GCFL-discuss] the Primary

Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net
Mon Jan 28 09:18:51 CST 2008

greenBubble is indeed a registered democrat, but actually votes
conservative.  In NYC local politics, registered republicans are pretty
much disenfranchised, because the democrat usually wins in November.
The only republicans who can win in NYC are "fiscally
republican/conservative but socially liberal.
I did consider changing my affiliation for this primary, but by the time
I got a round tuit, I missed the deadline.
There really is no one, in either party, that I like. 
At one point I was in favor of former NYC Mayor Giuliani, but now I'm
not so sure.  If he gets clobbered in Florida, it will be moot, anyway.
BTW, no NYC mayor has ever gone on to higher elected office.  The last
one who tried was John Lindsay, who drove the city's finances into the
ground.  He was heckled by NYers at every turn and threw in the towel
after Florida.


Subject: Re: [GCFL-discuss] the Primary

Lance actually is neither. I don't vote party lines. I HATE party lines.
By voting party line you sacrifice that which is most dear - your
freedom. No one party truly represents me. Therefore I vote on the
person not the party.
My senior year of High School I took a Current World Issues teacher had
us take a test to see what line we sat on. He said he knew what I was,
but wouldn't tell me till after the test. True to my word I fell right
down the middle 25/25. Not strong for either side, and he failed to tell
me what he thought I was.
I would say I'm conservative, but that doesn't mean they automatically
get my vote.

On Jan 27, 2008 10:27 AM, Discussion of the Good, Clean Funnies List
<gcfl-discuss at gcfl.net> wrote:

	Ummm, I am a Republican, Lance(?)/ greenbubble(?) is the

		----- Original Message -----
		Jeanene, my unsolicited advice is to flip a coin: heads,
vote for Obama, tails, vote for Edwards, if it lands on edge and doesn't
tip, vote for Romney.

	GCFL-discuss mailing list
	GCFL-discuss at gcfl.net

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