[willowbrook] Cancellation of Saturday's event at the Old McDonald Petting Zoo

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Tue Sep 14 09:48:09 CDT 2004

Due to the Trail of Tears Motorcycle ride being held this weekend, we have
decided to cancel our trip to The Petting Zoo.  It will ride right by there
at the time we will be arriving and since it stretches for miles, will be
there the whole time.

Not only it is noisy, it would be very unsafe for motorists crossing Highway
72 to get to the Zoo.  We were unaware of this event when we scheduled. Live
and learn. We await to hear from Julie Boykin about a possible re-scheduled
date in October. We will keep everyone posted.


2001 Ride Attendance and Facts

2001 Ride Attendance over 90,000 Motorcycles Participated!!
The motorcycles stretched for over 51 miles in length.

When the first motorcycle began passing through a town, it was well over an
hour of constant motorcycles before the last one passed through.

At many points of the ride it is common for a rider to see motorcycles as
far as he/she can see in front of them 
and behind them at the same time.
(Riders - we do not recommend that you turn around while riding)

2002 Ride Attendance was over 95,000 Motorcycles even with the "liquid
sunshine" cleaning the roads before us

2003 Ride Attendance was over 150,000 Motorcycles.  Amazing after being at
McFarland for about 15 minutes we were told the last bike had just crossed
I-65 in Athens.




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