[willowbrook] Tonight's services

Sheila Eisenzimmer sheila at willowbrook.org
Mon Sep 20 10:39:13 CDT 2004

Dear Church Family,


Last night we were inundated with requests for preschool child care that we
were unable to fill due to not enough staff. It is my understanding that
some families were upset with our ministry because we could not take their
children. I apologize to anyone who missed the services. I would be glad to
speak with anyone who has concerns in this area. 


We called in people and opened two other rooms but it did take us until
about 5:30 to open the last room.  Many regular attendees did not arrive
until 5:10 or so, or twenty five minutes after we begin accepting childcare
at 4:45.  We were full before they got there. We thank Lynda Middleton,
Zachary Lausee and Terri Naumcheff for volunteering.  Again I apologize to
anyone we could not help. 


We do not want that scenario to repeat itself tonight.  I need volunteers
who would be willing to serve with children, aged babies through age K-5 to
come tonight by 6:15.  This way we can open the nursery to everyone. Please
be willing to serve with any age group according to our needs. I did not
know until yesterday that the announcement was made that this service was
open to the general church. I thought it was youth only, and the childcare
we provided was for encourager's children only.  Again I apologize for not
being prepared in advance for this need.


We appreciate anyone who can help us tonight. Please reply to this e-mail.
Thank you.


Sheila Eisenzimmer


Preschool Ministries of Willowbrook

7625 Bailey Cove Road SE

Huntsville, Al   35802

256-883-0907 X 126


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