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View Funnies Monday, September 16, 2024

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Date: Sent Sunday, August 22, 2004
Category: None
Rating: 1.54/5 (130 votes)
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Server Upgrade
August 22, 2004

The server was down Friday night and some of Saturday. We've upgrade to a new machine that should perform better than the one we had before.

If you see anything that looks like it doesn't work as it should, please let us know. Thanks!
Recommended Links, Site Map & RSS feed pages added
August 13, 2004

In our continuing effort to make GCFL.net better, we have added three more pages!

First, we have created a Recommended Links page where we have listed some links to other web pages and mailing lists that are good, clean and funny! Feel free to go check these other sites out.

Second, we have created a Site Map page that has links to just about every section of the GCFL.net web page. We realized that having a link to EVERYTHING on the page in the menu would be too much, so to get to anything on the page, you can go to the site map to find it.

Finally, we've created an RSS feed for GCFL.net jokes. There are many applications and web sites out there that can read in RSS and show the content. Now you can get GCFL's last 20 jokes topics that way too!

Wow, that Webmaster has been busy!
New PDA Edition of GCFL
August 19, 2004

We've redesigned GCFL.net PDA edition. Now it contains the last ten jokes instead of just the latest. Now you won't miss a joke if you don't sync your PDA everyday. Also makes for some good reading material on long trips or flights!

If you want to have GCFL on your PDA, go to http://www.gcfl.net/mobile.php to learn how to get it.

Received from John Price.

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